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Using RegEx to split strings after specific character

I've been working on trying to get this string split in a couple different places which I managed to get to work, except if the name had a forward-slash in it, it would throw all of the groups off completely.

The string:

123.45.678.90:00000/98765432109876541/[CLAN]PlayerName joined [windows/12345678901234567]

I essentially need the following:

  • IP group: 123.45.678.90:00000 (without the following /)
  • id group: 98765432109876541
  • name group: [CLAN]PlayerName
  • id1 group: 12345678901234567

The text "joined" also has to be there. However windows does not.

Here is what I have so far:

(?<ip>.*)\/(?<id>.*)\/(.*\/)?(?<name1>.*)( joined.*)\[(.*\/)?(?<id1>.*)\]

This works like a charm unless the player name contains a "/". How would I go about escaping that?

Any help with this would be much appreciated!

Since you tag your question with C# and Regex and not only Regex , I will propose an alternative. I am not sure if it will more efficient or not. I find it easiest to read and to debug if you simply use String.Split() :


public void Main()
    string input = "123.45.678.90:00000/98765432109876541/[CLAN]Player/Na/me joined [windows/12345678901234567]";

    // we want "123.45.678.90:00000/98765432109876541/[CLAN]Player/Na/me joined" and "12345678901234567]"
    // Also, you can remove " joined" by adding it before " [windows/"
    var content = input.Split(new string[]{" [windows/"}, StringSplitOptions.None);

    // we want ip + groupId + everything else
    var tab = content[0].Split('/');

    var ip = tab[0];
    var groupId = tab[1];
    var groupName = String.Join("/", tab.Skip(2)); // merge everything else. We use Linq to skip ip and groupId
    var groupId1 = RemoveLast(content[1]); // cut the trailing ']'


private static string RemoveLast(string s)
    return s.Remove(s.Length - 1);


[CLAN]Player/Na/me joined

If you are using a class for ip, groupId, etc. and I guess you do, just put everything in it with a constructor which accept a string as parameter.

You basically needs to use non greedy selectors ( *? ). Try this:

(?<ip>.*?)\/(?<id>.*?)\/(?<name1>.*?)( joined )\[(.*?\/)?(?<id1>.*?)\]

You shouldn't be using greedy quanitifiers ( * ) with an open character such as . . It won't work as intended and will result in a lot of backtracking.

This is slightly more efficient, but not overly strict:


Regex demo

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