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antlr4 literal string handling

I have the following antlr4 grammar:

grammar squirrel;

program: globalstatement+;

globalstatement: globalvardef | classdef | functiondef;

globalvardef: IDENT '=' constantexpr ';';

classdef: CLASS IDENT '{' classstatement+ '}';

functiondef: FUNCTION IDENT '(' parameterlist ')' functionbody;

constructordef: CONSTRUCTOR '(' parameterlist ')' functionbody;

parameterlist: IDENT (',' IDENT)* | ;

functionbody: '{' statement* '}';

classstatement: globalvardef | functiondef | constructordef;

statement: expression ';';

    IDENT # ident |
    IDENT '=' expression # assignment |
    IDENT ('.' IDENT)+ # lookupchain |
    constantexpr # constant |
    IDENT '(' expressionlist ')' # functioncall |
    expression '+' expression # addition;

constantexpr: INTEGER | STRING;

expressionlist: expression (',' expression)* | ;

CONSTRUCTOR: 'constructor';
CLASS: 'class';
FUNCTION: 'function';
COMMENT: '//'.*[\n];
STRING: '"' CHAR* '"';
CHAR: [ a-zA-Z0-9];
INTEGER: [0-9]+;
IDENT: [a-zA-Z]+;
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;

Now if I parse this file:

z = "global variable";

class Base
    z = 10;

everything is fine:

@2,4:20='"global variable"',<14>,1:4

But with this file:

z = "global variable";

class Base
    z = "10";

I get this:

@2,4:49='"global variable";\r\n\r\nclass Base\r\n{\r\n\tz = "10"',<14>,1:4

So it seems like everything between the first " and last " in a file gets matched to one string literal.

How do I prevent this ?

Note the string is matching from the first quote to the last possible quote.

By default, a Kleene operator ( * ) in ANTLR is greedy. So, change

STRING: '"' CHAR* '"';


STRING: '"' CHAR*? '"';

to make it non-greedy.

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