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no matching constructor for initialization of 'std::thread'

I have been working on a rather simple facility: a concurrent for loop construct that takes a list of input elements, an output vector, and a function that computes output elements out of input elements.

I have this snippet that does not compile:

            template<class In, class Out>
            void thread_do(net::coderodde::concurrent::queue<In>& input_queue,
                           Out (*process)(In in),
                           std::vector<Out>& output_vector)
                // Pop the queue, process, and save result.

                for (unsigned i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) 

I use -std=c++14 .

However, I have no idea how to fix it. Tried to prepend & to the thread_do /appending <In, Out> , yet no to avail.

This minimal, complete example (hint) shows you how to call a template member function in another thread.

#include <thread>

struct X

  template<class A, class B> void run(A a, B b)

  template<class A, class B>
  void run_with(A a, B b)
    mythread = std::thread(&X::run<A, B>, this, a, b);

  std::thread mythread;

int main()
  X x;
  x.run_with(10, 12);

Note that std::thread 's constructor is not able to auto-deduce template arguments. You have to be explicit.

You need to instantiate your function:

thread_vector.push_back(std::thread(thread_do<In, Out>,     // you need to instantiate your template function 
                                    std::ref(input_queue),  // pass parameters by ref 
                                    std::ref(process),      // - // -
                                    std::ref(output_vector))// - // -

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