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java.sql.SQLException: not found - JDBC

I keep getting the following error when running my code: java.sql.SQLException: Column 'Hours Worked' not found.

Any ideas on where I'm going wrong, I apologize if it is obvious, I'm still trying to learn how to properly use JDBC.

Here is where i think the error is in my code:

String sql = "SELECT jobID, 'Hours'+'/'+'Worked', Description, Address, 'Materials'+'/'+'Used', Seen FROM main";
          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
          //Extract data from result set
             //Retrieve by column name
             int id  = rs.getInt("JobID");
             int Hrs = rs.getInt("Hours Worked");
             String description = rs.getString("Description");
             String Address = rs.getString("Address");
             String Materials = rs.getString("Materials Used");
             String Seen = rs.getString("Seen");

             //Display values
             System.out.print("JobID: " + id);
             System.out.print(", Hours Worked: " + Hrs);
             System.out.print(", Description: " + description);
             System.out.println(", Address: " + Address);
             System.out.println(", Materials Used: " + Materials);
             System.out.println(", Seen: " + Seen);

在SQL Server查询中,您必须在方括号中用空格将列名称包裹起来,如下所示:

String sql = "SELECT jobID, [Hours Worked], Description, Address, [Materials Used], Seen FROM main";

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