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Accessing multiple property values of an object within an object without knowing the names


var data = { "title1": {"subtitle1": "one", "subtitle2": "two"}, "title2": "three", "title3": "four" };

I can use:

for (var key in data) {

To get:




I can use:

var key = Object.keys(data)[0];

for (var prop in data[key]){

To get:



Question: What can I use to get:





You coud use an iterative recursive approach for it.

 function iter(object) { Object.keys(object).forEach(function (k) { if (typeof object[k] === 'object') { iter(object[k]); return; } console.log(object[k]); }); } var data = { "title1": { "subtitle1": "one", "subtitle2": "two" }, "title2": "three", "title3": "four" }; iter(data); 

try this

 var data = { "title1": { "subtitle1": "one", "subtitle2": "two" }, "title2": "three", "title3": "four" }; var output = []; Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) { if (typeof data[key] == "object") { Object.keys(data[key]).forEach(function(innerKey) { output.push(data[key][innerKey]) }); } else { output.push(data[key]); } }); console.log(output); 

What you're looking for is a recursive loop. From this SO page:

function eachRecursive(obj)
    for (var k in obj)
        if (typeof obj[k] == "object" && obj[k] !== null)
            console.log(k, obj[k]);

(line 8 is where you do your stuff, in this case I logged out the key and value)

you can try this

var data = { "title1": {"subtitle1": "one", "subtitle2": "two"}, "title2": "three", "title3": "four" };
function getValues(obj) {
        var values=[]
    if (obj){
        Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
                if (typeof obj[key] == "object"){
        }else {
    return [].concat.apply([], values);

You could use a recursive function to dig deep down the object hierarchy and list out all the values in any format required. Something of this sort

  function getValues(obj) { var returnVal = ''; if (obj !== null) { if (typeof obj === 'object') { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { returnVal = returnVal + getValues(obj[key]) + '\\n'; }); } else { returnVal = returnVal + obj + '\\n'; } } return returnVal; } var data = { "title1": { "subtitle1": "one", "subtitle2": "two" }, "title2": "three", "title3": "four" }; console.log(getValues(data)); 

If you want to be more generic on data structures you can use JSONPath to access json leafs directly:

When in Xpath all leaf expression is //*[not(*)] , while in JSONPath this becomes $..[?(@.length>=0)] , so that you have

 function jsonPath(obj,expr,arg){var P={resultType:arg&&arg.resultType||"VALUE",result:[],normalize:function(e){var t=[];return e.replace(/[\\['](\\??\\(.*?\\))[\\]']/g,function(e,r){return"[#"+(t.push(r)-1)+"]"}).replace(/'?\\.'?|\\['?/g,";").replace(/;;;|;;/g,";..;").replace(/;$|'?\\]|'$/g,"").replace(/#([0-9]+)/g,function(e,r){return t[r]})},asPath:function(e){for(var t=e.split(";"),r="$",a=1,n=t.length;n>a;a++)r+=/^[0-9*]+$/.test(t[a])?"["+t[a]+"]":"['"+t[a]+"']";return r},store:function(e,t){return e&&(P.result[P.result.length]="PATH"==P.resultType?P.asPath(e):t),!!e},trace:function(e,t,r){if(e){var a=e.split(";"),n=a.shift();if(a=a.join(";"),t&&t.hasOwnProperty(n))P.trace(a,t[n],r+";"+n);else if("*"===n)P.walk(n,a,t,r,function(e,t,r,a,n){P.trace(e+";"+r,a,n)});else if(".."===n)P.trace(a,t,r),P.walk(n,a,t,r,function(e,t,r,a,n){"object"==typeof a[e]&&P.trace("..;"+r,a[e],n+";"+e)});else if(/,/.test(n))for(var l=n.split(/'?,'?/),s=0,c=l.length;c>s;s++)P.trace(l[s]+";"+a,t,r);else/^\\(.*?\\)$/.test(n)?P.trace(P.eval(n,t,r.substr(r.lastIndexOf(";")+1))+";"+a,t,r):/^\\?\\(.*?\\)$/.test(n)?P.walk(n,a,t,r,function(e,t,r,a,n){P.eval(t.replace(/^\\?\\((.*?)\\)$/,"$1"),a[e],e)&&P.trace(e+";"+r,a,n)}):/^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?([0-9]*)$/.test(n)&&P.slice(n,a,t,r)}else P.store(r,t)},walk:function(e,t,r,a,n){if(r instanceof Array)for(var l=0,s=r.length;s>l;l++)l in r&&n(l,e,t,r,a);else if("object"==typeof r)for(var c in r)r.hasOwnProperty(c)&&n(c,e,t,r,a)},slice:function(e,t,r,a){if(r instanceof Array){var n=r.length,l=0,s=n,c=1;e.replace(/^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?(-?[0-9]*)$/g,function(e,t,r,a){l=parseInt(t||l),s=parseInt(r||s),c=parseInt(a||c)}),l=0>l?Math.max(0,l+n):Math.min(n,l),s=0>s?Math.max(0,s+n):Math.min(n,s);for(var o=l;s>o;o+=c)P.trace(o+";"+t,r,a)}},eval:function(x,_v,_vname){try{return $&&_v&&eval(x.replace(/@/g,"_v"))}catch(e){throw new SyntaxError("jsonPath: "+e.message+": "+x.replace(/@/g,"_v").replace(/\\^/g,"_a"))}}},$=obj;return expr&&obj&&("VALUE"==P.resultType||"PATH"==P.resultType)?(P.trace(P.normalize(expr).replace(/^\\$;/,""),obj,"$"),P.result.length?P.result:!1):void 0} // some extensions I have added to JSONPath var jsonPathStore = function(obj,path,values) { var maps=jsonPath(obj, path,{resultType:"PATH"}) maps.map(function(item,index) { return eval( '(' + item.replace(/\\$/,"obj") + '="' + values[index] +'"' + ')' ); }) } var jsonPathDelete = function(obj,path) { var maps=jsonPath(obj, path,{resultType:"PATH"}) maps.map(function(item,index) { return eval( '(' + 'delete ' + item.replace(/\\$/,"obj") + ')' ); }) } var jsonPathRead = function(obj,path) { var maps=jsonPath(obj, path,{resultType:"PATH"}) return maps.map(function(item,index) { return eval( '(' + item.replace(/\\$/,"obj") + ')' ); }) } var data = { "title1": {"subtitle1": "one", "subtitle2": "two"}, "title2": "three", "title3": "four" }; // // xpath all leaf expression is //*[not(*)] // in jspath becomes $..[?(@.length>=0)] var jsonObjectLeafValues = jsonPathRead(data,"$..[?(@.length>=0)]"); // this XPath will read all the id properties starting from the root element console.log( JSON.stringify( jsonObjectLeafValues, null, 2 ) ) 

This json path version was adapted from the original version and it is available here .

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