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How to delete items one by one if the ID is the same ?

I'm developing shopping cart and when I add items two of the same ID and when I click to delete one of them , then it delets both items. How to delete them one by one ? I'm developing with Laravel.

This is the delete function:

public function delete(Request $request, $id)
    $products = session('cart');
    foreach ($products as $key => $value)
        if ($value['id'] == $id)
            unset($products [$key]);


    flash()->success('Prekė buvo sėkmingai pašalinta iš krepšelio.');
    return redirect()->back();

Since you don't stop the loop, you will end up unset ing all products with that ID. Do the following:

public function delete(Request $request, $id)
    $products = session('cart');
    foreach ($products as $key => $value) {
        if ($value['id'] == $id) {
            unset($products [$key]);


    flash()->success('Prekė buvo sėkmingai pašalinta iš krepšelio.');
    return redirect()->back();

However since you are also adding extra text on items I suggest you be more specific on which one you need to delete:

public function delete(Request $request, $id, $text)
    $products = session('cart');
    foreach ($products as $key => $value) {
        if ($value['id'] == $id && $value['text'] == $text) {


    flash()->success('Prekė buvo sėkmingai pašalinta iš krepšelio.');
    return redirect()->back();

The second suggestion is just speculation on my part. The idea is your real item $id is composed of the database ID and the text, these 2 should uniquely identify the product.

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