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Access to private member variables/functions of a C++ class in Cython

Say I have a class Foo:

class Foo {
    std::string bar;
    Foo () {}
    Foo (const std::string& bar_) { this->bar = bar_; }
    std::string get_bar () { return this->bar; }

and a Foo python wrapper FooWrapper.pyx:

from libcpp.string cimport string

cdef extern from "Foo.h":
    cdef cppclass Foo:
        Foo ()
        Foo (string)

Is it possible to access std::string bar in the .pyx file, without modifying Foo?

If you can't access a private member in C++, then you can't access it in Cython as well.

You could try a trick like this that overwrites the "private" keyword: https://stackoverflow.com/a/424125

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