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Postgres - Cascade delete not working

I have a table called "Reviews" and it references a record in a table "ReviewSetups". When I delete a ReviewSetup I was to also delete all child Reviews (so cascade delete).

I have setup the foreign key like below on the Reviews table but nothing gets deleted when I delete a parent ReviewSetup.

I have other entities in by db as well which I migrated with a FK in exactly the same way and those work fine.

Does anyone have an idea what is going on here?



Here's the code:

-- Foreign Key: "FK_Reviews_ReviewSetup_Id_ReviewSetups_Id"

-- ALTER TABLE "Reviews" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_Reviews_ReviewSetup_Id_ReviewSetups_Id";

  ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_Reviews_ReviewSetup_Id_ReviewSetups_Id" FOREIGN KEY ("ReviewSetup_Id")
      REFERENCES "ReviewSetups" ("Id") MATCH SIMPLE

If you had to drop database again and again, it's better to disable constraints till you find the right culprit or re-design the schema.

Disable constraints and delete data, then re-enable again.

Disable constraints : Alter table tablename NOCHECK CONSTRAINT constraintname

Enable again: Alter table tablename CHECK CONSTRAINT constraintname

Ended up dropping the entire db and re-running the migration from scratch. Somehow that solved it. Somewhere, somehow the config was off a bit. Really curious what was the culprit though...

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