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running time error when trying to implent a keyword frequency counter in my parser java

I want to implement my input reading method into my main class, I want use my code to parse. It's been fixed now. thanks. String x; int count = -1;= while (str.hasMoreTokens()) { count++; x = str.nextToken(); word[count] = x; System.out.println(count + ": " + word[count]);



    // create unique words
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {

        if ((!Arrays.asList(unique).contains(word[i]))) {
            unique[i] = word[i];

    // measuring frequency
    int[] measure = new int[10];

    for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
        if (Arrays.asList(unique).contains(word[a])) {
            measure[a] += 1;
            System.out.println(unique[a] + " : " + measure[a]);

    private List<String[]> termsDocsArray = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    private List<String> allTerms = new ArrayList<String>(); //to hold all terms
    private List<double[]> tfidfDocsVector = new ArrayList<double[]>();


To start with your code

String text = "Professor, engineering, data, mining, research";
        StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(text);
        String word[] = new String[10];
        String unique[] = new String[10];
        String x;
        int count = -1;
        while (str.hasMoreTokens()) {
            x = str.nextToken();
            word[count] = x;
           System.out.println(count + ": " + word[count]);



        // create unique words
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {

            if ((!Arrays.asList(unique).contains(word[i]))) {
                unique[i] = word[i];

        // measuring frequency
        int[] measure = new int[10];

        for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
            if (Arrays.asList(unique).contains(word[a])) {
                measure[a] += 1;
                System.out.println(unique[a] + " : " + measure[a]);

should be in it's own method like .

private void doSomething(){
      //This variable will hold all terms of each document in an array.

        String text = "Professor, engineering, data, mining, research";
        StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(text);
        String word[] = new String[10];
        String unique[] = new String[10];
        String x;
        int count = -1;
        while (str.hasMoreTokens()) {
            x = str.nextToken();
            word[count] = x;
           System.out.println(count + ": " + word[count]);



        // create unique words
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {

            if ((!Arrays.asList(unique).contains(word[i]))) {
                unique[i] = word[i];

        // measuring frequency
        int[] measure = new int[10];

        for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
            if (Arrays.asList(unique).contains(word[a])) {
                measure[a] += 1;
                System.out.println(unique[a] + " : " + measure[a]);

Secondly in ur given code u have written like

int count = -1;= 

which accounts to this error Syntax error on token "=", { expected.It should be

int count = -1;

And since all your code is simply written in class without any method so it is giving you the error saying { expected.

Please make sure you have copied the code correctly.

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