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Convert double[] to System.array c#

I'm using a visual basic library and one of the methods I'm using calls for a System.Array to be passed into it. I've tried using "double[]" and "Object[]" when declaring my array however those will not pass. I'm not sure how to convert/declare a "System.Array".

Object[] filledVals = new Object[9];                   
xyz.getDoubleArray("NumVoids", out filledVals); //where .getDoubleArray(string, System.Array)

You can use LINQ:

System.Array result;              
xyz.getDoubleArray("NumVoids", out result);
var filledVals = result.OfType<double>().ToArray();

Simply declare it as System.Array :

Array filledVals;
xyz.getDoubleArray("NumVoids", out filledVals); 

Since it is an out parameter, you don't need to initialize it as it must be initialized by getDoubleArray .

To convert it to a double[] you can use this:

double[] result = filledVals.OfType<double>().ToArray();

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