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How do I convert from System.Array to object[] in C#

I have a COM function that expects object[] as a parameter:

foo(object[] values)

I want to pass some enum fields to it so I use the following:

object[] fields = (object[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SomeEnumType));

However, when I try to pass fields to foo(...) ie [ foo(fields) ] I get an error:

"Unable to cast object of type `SomeEnumType[]' to type 'system.Object[]'.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

As the exception says, you can't convert cast a SomeEnumType[] to object[] - the former is an array where each value is a SomeEnumType value; the latter is an array where each element is a reference.

With LINQ you can create a new array easily enough:

object[] fields = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SomeEnumType))

This will basically box each element (each enum value) to create an IEnumerable<object> , then create an array from that. It's similar to Tilak's approach, but I prefer to use Cast when I don't actually need a general-purpose projection.


SomeEnumType[] values = (SomeEnumType[]) Enum.GetValues(typeof(SomeEnumType));
object[] fields = Array.ConvertAll(values, x => (object) x);

You need to cast the proper array type. Try something along these lines:

object[] fields = (object[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SomeEnumType)).Cast<object>().ToArray();

The error message is stating that the function is expecting an object array of type "object" and you're passing in one of type "SomeEnumType", so there is a type mismatch.

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