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convert List<Object> to System.Array[]

I have an Array

Array[] Values;

I sorted that Array using this code

List<Object> val= new List<Object>();

foreach (var arr in Values)
    if (arr.GetValue(1, 9).Equals("Impact"))
foreach (var arr in Values)
    if (arr.GetValue(1, 9).Equals("Critical"))
foreach (var arr in Values)
    if (arr.GetValue(1, 9).Equals("High"))
foreach (var arr in Values)
    if (arr.GetValue(1, 9).Equals("Medium"))
foreach (var arr in Values)
    if (arr.GetValue(1, 9).Equals("Low"))

now I have to convert the List val back to System.Array[] .

I have tried doing this using Values = val.ToArray(); but it is giving compilation error that object[] cannot be converted to System.Array[] implicitly.

Is there any way to convert List<object> to System.Array[] explicitly ?

Or is there any other way to sort Values ?

Use a little bit more LINQ Select will help you do the trick:

Array[] Values = val.Select(x => (Array)x).ToArray();

Note: every x must be convertible to Array .

That said, Array itself is already an array. Array[] seems to be Array of Arrays to me and the data types of the elements are not strongly typed.

Array a = new int[10]; //this is ok
Array b = new string[10]; //this is also ok

Thus, your Array[] may contain any strongly-typed arrays. {int[], string[], double[]} and so on...

Unless it is what you really want, it seems to be not so safe design - IMHO.

In my opinion it is a design issue. Why do you declare the val-List as an Object-List and not an Array-List in the first place?

So, why don't you use:

List<Object> val= new List<Array>();

instead of

List<Object> val = new List<Object>();

That way, an easy ToArray() call should work just fine.

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