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How do I push multiple objects to an array without overwriting the array with the most recent object that was pushed

The problem i'm having is that whenever I click submit, the object gets pushed to the array. When I click submit to add another ingredient to the array it pushes another object to the array but also copies it's information into all previous objects in the array.


<form ng-submit="addToIngredients(newIngredient)">
        <input ng-model="newIngredient.quantity" placeholder="e.g. 1/3" type="text">
        <select ng-model="newIngredient.unit">
          <option value="ml">ml</option>
          <option value="l">l</option>
          <option value="tsp">tsp</option>
          <option value="tbsp">tbsp</option>
          <option value="floz">floz</option>
          <option value="cup">cup</option>
          <option value="pnt">pnt</option>
          <option value="qt">qt</option>
          <option value="gal">gal</option>
          <option value="qty">qty</option>
        <select ng-options="stockItem.name for stockItem in stockItems track by stockItem._id"
        <button type='submit'>Add to ingredients</button>

function on controller

$scope.ingredients = [];
$scope.addToIngredients = function(newIngredient){

This is probably javascript inheritance.

You could try:


It is a hack...

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