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How to get all rows in one table that imply to a row in another table?

I have the following tables: Suppliers:

Id Name
1  Dan
2  John


Id Name C_Id
1  AAA 1
2  BBB 2
3  CCC 1

What I want to do is iterating over each supplier (once), and print it's products. Something like that:

{c.name} supllies {p.id} {p.name} 
Dan supplies 1 AAA and 3 CCC 
John supplies 2 BBB

What would be right way to fetch this data from the server? because now I use 2 loops, and I think there should be an more efficient way.

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT Id,Name FROM Suppliers")))
    $id = $row["id"];
    while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT Id,Name FROM Products WHERE C_Id = $id")))
       push each $row2 in $array
    print $array for each $row1

Thank you


SELECT Suppliers.Id S_ID, Suppliers.Name S_NAME, Products.Id P_ID, Products.Name P_NAME FROM Suppliers LEFT JOIN Products ON Suppliers.Id = Products.C_Id

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