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How to Insert multiple rows as one row to another table in Mysql

I have two tables as Table A and Table B.Table A contains few records with same emp_id and date as shown in below.but time column has different values.Now i wants to insert these two records as one record to the Table B.expected output of Table B is shown Below.

Table A


Table B [expected output]


This would be the sort of logic that you need to display that result. Not sure it will work exactly without testing it with your particular tables etc. This will also select the data and display it like that but wont insert it (dont know why you would need that)

 MAX(case when row = 1 then time end) in1,
 MAX(case when row = 2 then time end) in2
 SELECT id, emp_id, date, time
 row_number() over(partition by id) row
 FROM TableA
 ) a
 GROUP BY date;

Let me know if you have questions

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