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Join one row to multiple rows in another table

I have a table to entities (lets call them people) and properties (one person can have an arbitrary number of properties). Ex:


Name  Age
Jane  27
Joe   36
Jim   16


Name   Property
Jane   Smart
Jane   Funny
Jane   Good-looking
Joe    Smart
Joe    Workaholic
Jim    Funny
Jim    Young

I would like to write an efficient select that would select people based on age and return all or some of their properties.

Ex: People older than 26
Name Properties
Jane Smart, Funny, Good-looking
Joe Smart, Workaholic

It's also acceptable to return one of the properties and total property count.

The query should be efficient: there are millions of rows in people table, hundreds of thousands of rows in properties table (so most people have no properties). There are hundreds of rows selected at a time.

Is there any way to do it?


   SELECT x.name,
          GROUP_CONCAT(y.property SEPARATOR ', ')
LEFT JOIN PROPERTIES y ON y.name = x.name
    WHERE x.age > 26
 GROUP BY x.name

You want the MySQL function GROUP_CONCAT ( documentation ) in order to return a comma separated list of the PROPERTIES.property value.

I used a LEFT JOIN rather than a JOIN in order to include PEOPLE records that don't have a value in the PROPERTIES table - if you only want a list of people with values in the PROPERTIES table, use:

   SELECT x.name,
          GROUP_CONCAT(y.property SEPARATOR ', ')
     JOIN PROPERTIES y ON y.name = x.name
    WHERE x.age > 26
 GROUP BY x.name

I realize this is an example, but using a name is a poor choice for referencial integrity when you consider how many "John Smith"s there are. Assigning a user_id, being a unique value per user, would be a better choice.

You can use INNER JOIN to link the two tables together. More info on JOINs .

FROM People P
INNER JOIN Properties Pr
  ON Pr.Name = P.Name
WHERE P.Name = 'Joe' -- or a specific age, etc

However, it's often a lot faster to add a unique primary key to tables like these, and to create an index to increase speed.

Say the table People has a field id
And the table Properties has a field peopleId to link them together

Then the query would then look something like this:

FROM People P
INNER JOIN Properties Pr
  ON Pr.id = P.peopleId
WHERE P.Name = 'Joe'
SELECT x.name,(select GROUP_CONCAT(y.Properties SEPARATOR ', ')
WHERE y.name.=x.name ) as Properties FROM mst_People x 

try this

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