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Split array by regular expression in Node.js

I'm using https://github.com/joyent/node-strsplit to split the text extracted from a file. I need to extract the data between double curly braces. Following will be some sample text in the file.

I am living in {{address||address of current property owner}} under the name {{name}} and my id (nic) will be {{nic||National Identity Number}})

Here, I want to extract the text inside double opening and closing curly braces. For example the ultimate array should be like, ['address||address of current property owner','name','nic||National Identity Number']

For this, I tried to use the following Regex patterns,


Following will my code.

var pattern = '/{{(.*?)}}/';
var arr=strsplit(sample_text, pattern);

Please help me out for finalizing the approach. Cheers !!


var results = [], re = /{{([^}]+)}}/g, text;

  while(item = re.exec(text)) {

You could do it with match() and strip the brackets:

 var str = "I am living in {{address||address of current property owner}} under the name {{name}} and my id (nic) will be {{nic||National Identity Number}})"; var result = str.match(/{{.*?}}/g).map(function(x){return x.slice(2,-2)}); console.log(result) 

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