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Execute SQL file with multiple statements separated by “;” using pyodbc

I am currently writing a script to run multiple SQL files using Python, a little background before you mention alternative methods; this is to automate the scripts and Python is the only tools I have on our windows 2008 server. I have a script that works for one set but the issue is when the other set has two statements instead of one seperated by a ';'here is my code:

import os
import pyodbc

print ("Connecting via ODBC")

conn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=dsn', autocommit=True)

print ("Connected!\n")

 inputdir = 'C:\\path'
cursor = conn.cursor()

for script in os.listdir(inputdir):

   with open(inputdir+'\\' + script,'r') as inserts:

       sqlScript = inserts.readlines()

       sql = (" ".join(sqlScript))


       print (script)


print ('Run Complete!')

So this code works to show the entire file but it only executes one statement before ";".

Any help would be great!


The API in the pyodbc connector (or pymysql) doesn't allow multiple statements in a SQL call. This is an issue of engine parsing; an API would need to completely understand the SQL that it's passing in order for multiple statements to be passed, and then multiple results handled upon return.

A slight modification to your script like the one below should allow you to send each of your statements individually with separate connectors:

import os
import pyodbc

print ("Connecting via ODBC")

conn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=dsn', autocommit=True)

print ("Connected!\n")

inputdir = 'C:\\path'

for script in os.listdir(inputdir):
    with open(inputdir+'\\' + script,'r') as inserts:
        sqlScript = inserts.readlines()
        for statement in sqlScript.split(';'):
            with conn.cursor() as cur:


The with conn.cursor() as cur: opens a closes a cursor for each statement, exiting appropriately after each call is completed.

The more correct approach is to parse comments and quoted strings, and only consider ; s outside of them. Or else your code will be broken immediately after you comment out several SQL statements with a block comment.

Here is a state machine based implementation I made for myself - this code is probably ugly and could be written much better, so please feel free to improve it by editing my answer. It doesn't handle MySQL-style # -starting comments but it is easy to add.

def split_sql_expressions(text):
    current = ''
    state = None
    for c in text:
        if state is None:  # default state, outside of special entity
            current += c
            if c in '"\'':
                # quoted string
                state = c
            elif c == '-':
                # probably "--" comment
                state = '-'
            elif c == '/':
                # probably '/*' comment
                state = '/'
            elif c == ';':
                # remove it from the statement
                current = current[:-1].strip()
                # and save current stmt unless empty
                if current:
                    yield current
                current = ''
        elif state == '-':
            if c != '-':
                # not a comment
                state = None
                current += c
            # remove first minus
            current = current[:-1]
            # comment until end of line
            state = '--'
        elif state == '--':
            if c == '\n':
                # end of comment
                # and we do include this newline
                current += c
                state = None
            # else just ignore
        elif state == '/':
            if c != '*':
                state = None
                current += c
            # remove starting slash
            current = current[:-1]
            # multiline comment
            state = '/*'
        elif state == '/*':
            if c == '*':
                # probably end of comment
                state = '/**'
        elif state == '/**':
            if c == '/':
                state = None
                # not an end
                state = '/*'
        elif state[0] in '"\'':
            current += c
            if state.endswith('\\'):
                # prev was backslash, don't check for ender
                # just revert to regular state
                state = state[0]
            elif c == '\\':
                # don't check next char
                state += '\\'
            elif c == state[0]:
                # end of quoted string
                state = None
            raise Exception('Illegal state %s' % state)

    if current:
        current = current.rstrip(';').strip()
        if current:
            yield current

And use it like this:

with open('myfile.sql', 'r') as sqlfile:
    for stmt in split_sql_expressions(sqlfile.read()):

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