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PHP Arrays insert into MySQL Table

newbie with PHP and MySQL here. I've looked through other articles here to try and piece together the code that I'm after but struggling to get the content of two arrays inserted into two columns within a MySQL table.

The MySQL table is structured into three columns as follows -

|   id  |  date | value |

id is primary key set with auto_increment. date is of date datatype. value is of decimal(5,2) datatype.

I have two PHP arrays $dates and $values which contain the following -

echo '<pre>'; print_r($dates); echo '</pre>';
    [0] => 2015
    [1] => 2014
    [2] => 2013
    [3] => 2012
    [4] => 2011
    [5] => 2010
    [6] => 2009
    [7] => 2008
    [8] => 2007
    [9] => 2006
    [10] => 2005
    [11] => 2004
    [12] => 2003
    [13] => 2002
    [14] => 2001
    [15] => 2000
    [16] => 1999
    [17] => 1998
    [18] => 1997
    [19] => 1996
    [20] => 1995
    [21] => 1994
    [22] => 1993
    [23] => 1992
    [24] => 1991
    [25] => 1990
    [26] => 1989
    [27] => 1988
    [28] => 1987

echo '<pre>'; print_r($values); echo '</pre>';
    [0] => 52.32
    [1] => 98.97
    [2] => 108.56
    [3] => 111.63
    [4] => 111.26
    [5] => 79.61
    [6] => 61.74
    [7] => 96.94
    [8] => 72.44
    [9] => 65.16
    [10] => 54.57
    [11] => 38.26
    [12] => 28.85
    [13] => 24.99
    [14] => 24.46
    [15] => 28.66
    [16] => 17.9
    [17] => 12.76
    [18] => 19.11
    [19] => 20.64
    [20] => 17.02
    [21] => 15.86
    [22] => 17.01
    [23] => 19.32
    [24] => 20.04
    [25] => 23.76
    [26] => 18.23
    [27] => 14.91
    [28] => 18.53

I've serialized the data into two new variables prior to my insert query -

$mydates = serialize($dates);
$myvalues = serialize($values);

My insert statement is then as follows -

$query = "INSERT INTO eia(date,value) VALUES ('$mydates','$myvalues')";

with some error handling -

if ($conn->query($query)) {
   $msg = ...Sucessfully Entered!
} else {
    $msg = ...Error Entering!
if (isset($msg)){
  echo $msg;
if (!$conn->query("INSERT INTO eia(date,value) VALUES ('$mydates','$myvalues')")) {
     printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $conn->error);

Then finally close the connection -


When this runs I receive the 'Successfully Entered' message but on inspecting the MySQL table I just get two rows with the following -

id | date | value
1  |{null}| 0.00
2  |{null}| 0.00

Any ideas how I can get the contents of these arrays added into each column ie

id | date | value
1  | 2015 | 52.32
2  | 2014 | 98.97

Thank you in advance.

It's because you are running same query two times:

if ($conn->query($query)) {


if (!$conn->query("INSERT INTO eia_brent(eiaDate,eiaValue) VALUES ('$mydates','$myvalues')")) {

You get null and 0.00 because you try to insert serialized information into single cell.

Multiple insert query looks like this:

INSERT INTO eia_brent(eiaDate, eiaValues)
VALUES ('myDate1', 'myValue1'), ('myDate2', 'myValue2'), ('myDate3', 'myValue3'), [...]

You can loop your array and create query:

$query = 'INSERT INTO eia_brent(eiaDate, eiaValues) VALUES';
$values = [];

foreach ($dates as $i => $date) {
    $values[] = "('{$date}', '{$values[$i]}')"; // validate your input to database first!

$query .= implode(', ', $values);


You don't need serialize here

if ($conn->query($sql)) {
   $msg = ...Sucessfully Entered!
} else {
    $msg = ...Error Entering!
if (isset($msg)){
  echo $msg;

$sql = 'INSERT INTO eia_brent(eiaDate,eiaValue) VALUES';
foreach ($dates as $index => $date) {
    $sql .= "($date, ".$values[$index]."),";
$sql = trim($sql,',');

if (!$conn->query($sql)) {
     printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $conn->error);

Date datatype will accept date in YYYY-MM-DD format, between 1000-01-01 and 9999-12-31. For example, December 30th, 1973 would be stored as 1973-12-30.If you are very particular about storing only the year it is better to use int datatype

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