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Using SSH in Raspberry Pi to get Input?

I need to run Python scripts from SSH on my Raspberry Pi, while still being able to get input from a user on the Raspberry Pi via a USB keyboard emulator ( card reader ). I would normally be able to use raw_input for this, but if I run the Python script through SSH, it does not create a window and it will not be active so it will receive no input.

Is there any way to ensure a Python script will be active (the top window), even while using SSH to launch it? Or, is there another way to get user input without using raw_input , and works in the background (without an active window)?

Thanks in advance :)

PS: If I have to use other languages (like C) then invoke it in Python, this is fine, I will be able to do that.

I've solved it the best I can, with help from @Gaurav Dave

I now have a script which creates a new terminal window upon launch, using Popen from sys . The script looks like this...

from sys import executable
from subprocess import Popen, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE

Popen([executable, 'window.py'], creationflags=CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)

and window.py is simply a test script that prints some text and waits for a certain amount of time...

import time
print("Hello M8!")

window.py will be the script that takes the input as that is the one that has the window.

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