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Understanding recursive odd/even functions

I'm currently studying python from http://www.sololearn.com/Play/Python and I'm having trouble understanding why this code works.

def is_even(x):
    if x == 0:
        return True

        return is_odd(x-1)

def is_odd(x):
    return not is_even(x)


I get how recursion works for a fibonacci and factorial but I can't wrap my head around this one.

It's based on an inductive definition of evenness:

  • Zero is even
  • If some number "n" is even, then "n+1" is not even
  • If some number "n" is not even, then "n+1" is even

"odd" is obviously "not even".

The code takes this definition, and checks it backwards - using recursion.

  • If i have zero, then it is even
  • If I have some other number "n" , then it is even if "n-1" is not - that is, if "n-1" is odd.

is_even' s base case resolves to True . Since is_odd(x) returns not is_even(x) , the value True will be a part of the expression returned by is_odd . The question is how many times will that True value be negated . By tracing the calls you can see it will be negated an even number of times, and hence "retain" its truthiness, when x is odd [eg: x=3 ==> (not (not (not (not True)))) == True ] and an odd number of times, and hence "lose" its truthiness, when x is even [eg: x=2 ==> (not (not (not True))) == False ]. There's probably some term from logic that names this general property of multiple negation.

That recursive function is really a bad way to teach recursion, you should apply recursion only when it's useful. In fact, test those functions with negative numbers and you'll get RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded errors.

To check parity numbers you'd better use % operator or & and operator, ie:

def is_even(x):
    return (x & 1) == 0

def is_odd(x):
    return (x & 1) == 1

That said, I think @Elazar & @DAXaholic answers should give you some insights about that buggy recursive function and wrap your mind about it.

A little hint:

0 -> True
1 -> not True
2 -> not not True
3 -> not not not True

and so on.

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