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Updating values in a list from a Tkinter entry box - Python

I am trying to update the values in a list from values that are entered into an entry box created in TKinter. In my example the user enters the real name of the people in a list. Their real name will replace the 'x' in the example_list.

I have specified the variable as global in the method but the change only applies to the second value iterated in the list - the first is the initialised value - 99 in the code below.

I have also tried to specify a lambda function that updates i[1] individually, however this does not work - bad syntax. Besides the quit() function seems to be the only way to continue the iteration.

Is there a way to do this cleanly and with the first item in the list updated?

from Tkinter import *

example_list = [['Jimmy Bob','x','78'],[" Bobby Jim",'x','45'] ,["Sammy Jim Bob",'x','67'] ]        #Nickname/Real Name/Age 

newValue = 99

def replace():
    global newValue
    newValue = e1.get()
    print("Their real name is %s" %(e1.get()))

root = Tk()

for i in example_list:

        win = Toplevel(root)
        e1 = Entry(win)
        e1.grid(row=1, column=0)

        var = StringVar()
        Label(win, textvariable = var).grid(row=0, column=0)

        Button(win, text='Enter Real Name', command=replace).grid(row=2, column=0, pady=4)
        #Button(win, text='Enter Real Name', command=lambda: i[1] =replace()).grid(row=2, column=0, pady=4)

        i[1] = newValue

        win.mainloop( )


for i in example_list:

Thanks to Wayne Werner who directed me towards the tksimpledialog, the solution to the problem is here.

from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog

example_list = [['Jimmy Bob','x','78'],[" Bobby Jim",'x','45'] ,["Sammy Jim Bob",'x','67'] ]

root = Tk()
Label(root, text = "Enter the names in the dialog").grid(row=0, column=0)

for i in example_list:
    i[1] = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Enter their real name', 'What is %s real name' %i[0])


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