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Fail to call Matlab engOpen from QT

I'm trying to involve matlab engine in QT creator. I am sure that I have set INCLUDEPATH and LIBS properly in the .pro file, since there is no grammar or linking problem. I added

D:\Program Files\Matlab32\bin;
D:\Program Files\Matlab32\runtime\win32;
D:\Program Files\Matlab32\bin\win32

to my Path. In the mainwindow.cpp I wrote

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include <QDebug>

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

qDebug() << "Trying to open the engine";
Engine *ep;
ep = engOpen(NULL);


    delete ui;

Every time I try to run the code in Debug or Release mode, QT says

Starting D:\\qt projects\\build-VisVehicle-Qt_5_5_0-Release\\release\\VisVehicle.exe... The program has unexpectedly finished. D:\\qt projects\\build-VisVehicle-Qt_5_5_0-Release\\release\\VisVehicle.exe crashed.

By commenting out codes I found it was ep = engOpen(NULL) that caused the failure. I am using Matlab R2015a, QT 5.5.0, both 32-bit on Windows 7. I always run Matlab and QT as an administrator. I also tried running matlab -regserver in cmd and there was a simplified Matlab command line window popped out. But the QT program still crashes. And whenever I made changes to the code or environment, I carefully clean and rebuild the program to avoid potential build issues.

I'd be very grateful if anyone gives me some idea about this issue.

Problem solved. There are two key things to do:

  1. Make sure your Qt and Matlab are both 32bit or both 64bit.
  2. Use mingw compiler instead of msvc in Qt.

Then it will work.

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