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Extract specific section from LaTeX file with python

I have a set of LaTeX files. I would like to extract the "abstract" section for each one:




I have tried the suggestion here: How to Parse LaTex file

And tried :

A = re.findall(r'\\begin{abstract}(.*?)\\end{abstract}', data)

Where data contains the text from the LaTeX file. But A is just an empty list. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

.* does not match newlines unless the re.S flag is given:

re.findall(r'\\begin{abstract}(.*?)\\end{abstract}', data, re.S)


Consider this test file:


Title maybe
Good stuff
Other stuff

This gets the abstract:

>>> import re
>>> data = open('a.tex').read()
>>> re.findall(r'\\begin{abstract}(.*?)\\end{abstract}', data, re.S)
['\nGood stuff\n']


From the re module's webpage :


Make the '.' special character match any character at all, including a newline; without this flag, '.' will match anything except a newline.

The . does not match newline character. However, you can pass a flag to ask it to include newlines.


import re

s = r"""\begin{abstract}
this is a test of the
linebreak capture.

pattern = r'\\begin\{abstract\}(.*?)\\end\{abstract\}'

re.findall(pattern, s, re.DOTALL)

['\nthis is a test of the\nlinebreak capture.\n']

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