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I am trying to connect my Azure backend with my ionic angular front end

The table is called sport and I am trying to show the list from the column sport in a drop down list. The error I am getting is Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: sportServiceProvider <- sportService <- sportCtrl and I cannot see where the mistake is, can anyone help?

 <ion-view view-title="Choose Your Team">
  <ion-content      ng-controller="sportCtrl as vm" >

    <label class="item item-input item-select item-positive">
        <div class="input-label">


The service to get the sport is sport.js

 (function () {
 'use strict';

sportService.$inject = ['$http'];

    .factory('sportService', sportService);

function sportService($http) {
    var service = {
        getData: getData

    return service;

    function getData() {
        Azureservice.query('sport', {})
    .then (function(sport)
        vm.sport = sport;

 angular.module('starter').constant('AzureMobileServiceClient', {
API_URL: "https://",
API_KEY: "",


and the controller is:

 (function () {
'use strict';

sportCtrl.$inject = ['sportService'];

    .controller('sportCtrl', sportCtrl);

function sportCtrl(sportService) {
    var vm = this;


    function activate() { }

    vm.sportname  = sportService.getData();

It seems that you have initialized repeated angular module named starter , in your sport.js and controller.js scripts. In the controller.js script, you have created a new angular application instance which do not have a sportService injected.

You can define a global variable to the angular instance in sport.js , eg

app = angular

And use this global variable instead of angular.module('starter') , eg

app.controller('sportCtrl', sportCtrl);

Otherwise, you can define a new angular module for your controller and inject in the main angular module. EG

In your controller.js :

    .controller('sportCtrl', sportCtrl);

And in your sport.js :


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