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Jenkins to run Maven build on Linux or Windows

I have a Maven build of a Java application that runs successfully on either Linux or Windows by typing the identical command mvn install .

However, using the Jenkinsfile method of setting up this build, on Linux that file needs to contain sh mvn install and on windows bat mvn install .

If paths and tools are configured appropriately on Windows, log shows:

[Pipeline] sh
[C:\tools\jenkins\workspace\DSL\master] Running shell script
sh: C:\tools\jenkins\workspace\DSL\master@tmp\durable-60527040\script.sh: command not found

Is there any way for a single Jenkinsfile to allow building in both environments?

Pipeline scripts can contain groovy code, so branching with if is allowed. You can test your environment with System.properties['os.name'] and depending on the result, use sh or bat :

node {
    def os = System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase()
    echo "OS: ${os}"
    if (os.contains("linux")) {
      sh "mvn install" 
    } else {
      bat "mvn install"

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