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Create stored procedure on SQL Server

I have to create a stored Procedure in a Database (SQL Server)

    string query = "CREATE PROCEDURE  queryName AS BEGIN " + sqlCommand + " END";
    SqlConnection cnn;
    SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
    //builder["Provider"] = provider;
    builder["Server"] = @"Themis\DEV";

    builder["Integrated Security"] = "SSPI";
    string connection_string = builder.ConnectionString;

    cnn = new SqlConnection(connection_string);


    SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(queryName, cnn);
    sqlCmd.CommandText = query;
    sqlCmd.Connection = cnn;
    sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

But I get an Errormessage

Incorrect syntax near INNER

The Procedure is like this

UPDATE description 
       INNER JOIN description1 
               ON description.resid_ = description1.resid_ 
SET    description.polish = [description1].[polish] 
WHERE  (description1.polish <> '') 
AND    (description1.polish <> ( '-' )); 

That is not a valid Update using Join syntax in SQL SERVER . Try this way

SET    D.polish = [D1].[polish] 
FROM   description D 
       INNER JOIN description1 D1 
               ON D.resid_ = D1.resid_ 
WHERE  D1.polish <> '' 
       AND D1.polish <> '-'; 

Where clause can be simplified using NOT IN

Where D1.polish NOT IN ('','-')

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