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insert data into sql database using jquery ajax in asp.net c#

I am using three tier architecture and tried to store data into a database using jquery ajax but am not getting a response in the success function

here is my code


public DataTable InsertFeedBack(String Name, String Email, string Category, string Message)
  SqlParameter[] parms = new SqlParameter[]{

  new SqlParameter("@Name",Name),
  new SqlParameter("@Email",Email),
  new SqlParameter("@Category",Category),
  new SqlParameter("@Message",Message)

  return Helper.ExecuteParamerizedSelectCommand("insert into feedback(name,email,category,message) values(@Name,@Email,@Category,@Message)", CommandType.Text, parms);


 public DataTable InsertFeedBack(String Name, String Email, string Category, string Message)
  return portalDAL.InsertFeedBack(Name, Email, Category, Message);



  public String InsertFeedBack(String Name, String Email, string Category, string Message)
  DataTable dt = detailsBAL.InsertFeedBack(Name, Email, Category, Message);
  return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt);

My Jquery Function.

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('#submit').click(function () {

  var name = $('#name').val();
  var email = $('#email').val();
  var category = $('#cate').val();
  var msg = $('#msg').val();


function insertFeedback(name,email,cat,msg)
  type: "POST",
  url: "portal.asmx/InsertFeedBack",
  data: "{'Name':'" + name + "','Email':'" + email + "','Category':'" + cat + "','Message':'" + msg + "'}",

  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function (data) {
  var obj = data.d;
  if (obj == 'true') {
  $('#lblmsg1').html("Details Submitted Successfully");
  error: function (result) {


I am getting error alert message control is not entering to success function its not showing any error on browser

try to use this ajax code format.

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
    data: "{'Name':'" + name + "','Email':'" + email + "','Category':'" + cat + "','Message':'" + msg + "'}",
    url: "portal.asmx/InsertFeedBack",
    success: function (data) {
    error: function (error) {

try with this code

$('#submit').click(function () {

function insertFeedback()
var model = new Object();
  model.name = $('#name').val();
  model.email = $('#email').val();
  model.category = $('#cate').val();
  model.msg = $('#msg').val();

type: "POST",
url: "portal.asmx/InsertFeedBack",
data: model,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
    // your code
error: function (result) {

create one class with four property

public class YourClass
 public string name { get; set; }
 public string email { get; set; }
 public string category { get; set; }
 public string message { get; set; }

change your method parameter to class object. you can recevie number of parameter from ajax call with one object.

public String InsertFeedBack(YourClass model)
 DataTable dt = detailsBAL.InsertFeedBack(model.name, model.email, model.category, model.message);
 return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt);

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