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How to POST a SOAP message on web api (asp.net core ->web api)

I want to post a SOAP XML based message to Web API which i have created in ASP.NET core project template.

Right now i am getting unsupported media type error when i post with with content-type as application/soap+xml.

I know that we should be sending SOAP message to WCF based service but our requirement is like this only. I should be able to consume SOPA message in web API.

Thanks, Sudama

Here is a two-part answer:

Exposing SOAP services with ASP.NET Core:

  • Microsoft is not looking into porting SOAP-capable services in ASP.NET Core , not in a near future (look at this other SO answer which states the same).

  • That being said, nothing is preventing you from using the plain .NET Framework , which supports SOAP either using old ASMX or WCF which are part of .NET Framework 4.5.x at least (with support ending in 2023 ).

  • Lastly, SOAP seems just a technical requirement for you, so you can build a thin SOAP layer just transfering calls to your main ASP.NET Core service.

The only limitation would be to support deploying this on Linux , on which the full .NET Framework does not natively run on; if not, you're good to go.

Consuming SOAP services win ASP.NET Core:

ASP.NET Core supports consuming SOAP Services in ASP.NET Core through the use of WCF Connected services .

I know this was answered however, for future reference, I also implemented a similar solution to Sudama.

I had a requirement for a SOAP message to be consumed that was transmitted from Salesforce, no other options were available so I implemented a SOAP Formatter in .Net Core that transformed the incoming request.

There were a few technical challenges with the read-once stream for the body of the request but if you find it useful I have included a link to the project code below:


I resolved this issue by implementing the custom Input & OutPut formatters. These formatters are simple classes they just implement IInputFormatter & IOutPutFormatter supplied by .Net core. Use the context object to read the incoming request and serialize them in the format you want(xml or Json).

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