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Convert Array[(String,String)] type to RDD[(String,String)] type in spark

I am new to spark.

Here is my code:

val Data = sc.parallelize(List(
      ("I", "India"), 
      ("U", "USA"), 
      ("W", "West"))) 

val DataArray = sc.broadcast(Data.collect)

val FinalData = DataArray.value

Here FinalData is of Array[(String, String)] type. But I want data to be in the form of RDD[(String, String)] type.

Can I convert FinalData to RDD[(String, String)] type.

More Detail:

I want to join Two RDD So to optimize join condition(For performance point of view) I am broadcasting small RDD to all cluster so that data shuffling will be less.(Indirectly performance will get improved) So for all this I am writting something like this:

//Big Data
val FirstRDD = sc.parallelize(List(****Data of first table****))

//Small Data
val SecondRDD = sc.parallelize(List(****Data of Second table****)) 

So defintely I will broadcast Small Data set(means SecondRDD)

val DataArray = sc.broadcast(SecondRDD.collect)

val FinalData = DataArray.value

//Here it will give error that

val Join = FirstRDD.leftOuterJoin(FinalData)

Found Array required RDD

That's why I am looking for Array to RDD conversion.

The real is problem is that you are creating a Broadcast variable, by collecting the RDD (notice that this action converts the RDD into an Array ). So, what I'm saying is that you already have an RDD , which is Data , and this variable has exactly the same values as FinalData , but in the form you want RDD[(String, String)] .

You can check this in the following output.

Data: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, String)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[2] at parallelize at <console>:32
DataArray: org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[Array[(String, String)]] = Broadcast(1)
FinalData: Array[(String, String)] = Array((I,India), (U,USA), (W,West))

Although, I don't understand your approach You just need to parallelize the Broadcast 's value.

// You already have this data stored in `Data`, so it's useless repeat this process.
val DataCopy = sc.parallelize(DataArray.value)


After reading your question again, I believe the problem is almost the same. You are trying to join an RDD with a Broadcast and that's not allowed. However, if you read the documentation you may notice that it's possible to join both RDD s (see code below).

val joinRDD = FirstRDD.keyBy(_._1).join(SecondRDD.keyBy(_._1))

Broadcasts are indeed useful to improve performance of a JOIN between a large RDD and a smaller one. When you do that, broadcast (along with map or mapPartitions ) replaces the join, it's not used in a join, and therefore in no way you'll need to " transform a broadcast into an RDD ".

Here's how it would look:

val largeRDD = sc.parallelize(List(
  ("I", "India"),
  ("U", "USA"),
  ("W", "West")))

val smallRDD = sc.parallelize(List(
  ("I", 34),
  ("U", 45)))

val smaller = sc.broadcast(smallRDD.collectAsMap())

// using "smaller.value" inside the function passed to RDD.map ->
// on executor side. Broadcast made sure it's copied to each executor (once!)
val joinResult = largeRDD.map { case (k, v) => (k, v, smaller.value.get(k)) }

// prints:
// (I,India,Some(34))
// (W,West,None)
// (U,USA,Some(45))

See a similar solution (using mapPartitions ) which might be more efficient here .

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