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I want to build a JSON Object similar to following the structure in java using JSONObject and JSONArray. How can I do it?

This is the json. Something similar to Creating nested JSON object for the following structure in Java using JSONObject? will help.

      "taskAssings": [
          "taskAssigned": {
            "id": "3c814009-82f7-4246-bc51-2d263e758561"
          "taskAssignee": {
            "id": "3c814009-82f7-4246-bc51-2d263e758561"
      "description": "TestTaskDescription",
      "assignTo": {
        "id": "3c814009-82f7-4246-bc51-2d263e758561"
      "name": "taskname",
      "status": {
        "id": "7d8a0d80-5c93-46cc-982d-47399503beaa"
      "priority": {
        "id": "842a9a9c-4a1a-4f70-bf4d-8181b482f651"

You can try with JSONSimple library and form the object in this way-

You have to import org.json.simple.JSONArray and org.json.simple.JSONObject for using this code.

    JSONObject object=new JSONObject();

    JSONObject holder=new JSONObject();
    JSONArray taskAssings = new JSONArray();

    JSONObject taskAssigned=new JSONObject();
    taskAssigned.put("id", "3c814009-82f7-4246-bc51-2d263e758561");

    JSONObject taskAssignee=new JSONObject();
    taskAssignee.put("id", "3c814009-82f7-4246-bc51-2d263e758561");


    object.put("taskAssings", taskAssings);

    JSONObject status=new JSONObject();
    status.put("id", "7d8a0d80-5c93-46cc-982d-47399503beaa");
    object.put("status", status);

    JSONObject assignTo=new JSONObject();
    assignTo.put("id", "3c814009-82f7-4246-bc51-2d263e758561");
    object.put("assignTo", assignTo);

    JSONObject priority=new JSONObject();
    priority.put("id", "842a9a9c-4a1a-4f70-bf4d-8181b482f651");

    object.put("description", "TestTaskDescription");
    object.put("name", "taskname");

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