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Oracle Bulk Insert Using SQL Developer

I have recently taken data dumps from an Oracle database. Many of them are large in size(~5GB). I am trying to insert the dumped data into another Oracle database by executing the following SQL in SQL Developer


but it is taking a long time like more than a day to complete even a single SQL file.
Is there any better way to get this done faster?

SQL*Loader is my favorite way to bulk load large data volumes into Oracle. Use the direct path insert option for max speed but understand impacts of direct-path loads (for example, all data is inserted past the high water mark, which is fine if you truncate your table). It even has a tolerance for bad rows, so if your data has "some" mistakes it can still work.

SQL*Loader can suspend indexes and build them all at the end, which makes bulk inserting very fast.

Example of a SQL*Loader call:

$SQLDIR/sqlldr /@MyDatabase direct=false silent=feedback \
    control=mydata.ctl log=/apps/logs/mydata.log bad=/apps/logs/mydata.bad \

And the mydata.ctl would look something like this:

INFILE '/apps/load_files/mytable.dat'
INTO TABLE my_schema.my_able

Alternatively... if you are just copying the entire contents of one table to another, across databases, you can do this if your DBA sets up a DBlink (a 30 second process), presupposing your DB is set up with the redo space to accomplish this.

truncate table my_schema.my_table;

insert into my_schema.my_table
select * from my_schema.my_table@my_remote_db;

The use of the /* +append */ hint can still make use of direct path insert.

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