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Calling a method within a Class

I have the following class however when i try calling the method in an object, nothing happens

class parentClass:
  def test(self):
    if 3 > 2:
        print "This is true"
        print "This is false"
object1 = parentClass()

Can someone please tel me what i am doing wrong?

You forget "()":


Remember the methods need to be called with the brackets, for example in the propierties are not need it.

specifying a method with the parentheses just returns a reference to it. In order to call it, you need to have () (and optionally, any arguments) after it:


add parentheses '()' to the method name where you're calling it.


To call a function it requires '()'. Without these it's just a reference not a call.

object1.test ()

Hope this helps.

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