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How to completely uninstall Android Studio from windows(v10)?

I have already seen this question. But that's for Mac OS. I am using windows. Every time I create a new project or try to build/rebuild the project it freezes!! I have installed the latest version(9/10/2016). But things are getting worse. I want to completely remove it and install it as if I would be installing it for the first time. Any help be Appreciated.

To Completely Remove Android Studio from Windows:

Step 1: Run the Android Studio uninstaller

The first step is to run the uninstaller. Open the Control Panel and under Programs , select Uninstall a Program . After that, click on "Android Studio" and press Uninstall . If you have multiple versions, uninstall them as well.

Step 2: Remove the Android Studio files

To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in File Explorer, go to your user folder ( %USERPROFILE% ), and delete .android , .AndroidStudio and any analogous directories with versions on the end, ie .AndroidStudio1.2 , as well as .gradle and .m2 if they exist.

Then go to %APPDATA% and delete the JetBrains directory.

Also delete the any AndroidStudio* directories that are in %APPDATA%\Local\Google and %APPDATA%\Roaming\Google .

Finally, go to C:\Program Files and delete the Android directory.

Step 3: Remove SDK

To delete any remains of the SDK, go to %LOCALAPPDATA% and delete the Android directory.

Step 4: Delete Android Studio projects

Android Studio creates projects in a folder %USERPROFILE%\AndroidStudioProjects , which you may want to delete.

In 2021 , If you are looking for uninstall.exe , the latest Android studio version doesn't come with an uninstaller. Download an older version of the Android studio from the Android studio download archive official LINK ; you can download Android Studio 4.1.1.

Download the zip files, extract the uninstall.exe from it, and put it in your Android Studio folder; there is no need to install that older version.

UPDATE - 04/14/2022

Looks like the new version comes with unistall.exe now.

Tried on - Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 3 for Windows 64-bit (April 2022)

I was having a problem installing the latest v4.1.2 as it was having an issue where after I start it, it shows my old blank project, so the things I did were:

Caution: Please move your SDK and projects to a separate location before following steps if you haven't. So it might save your time downloading SDKs and stuff.

1- Uninstall old Android Studio completely (from Control Panel -> Programs ).

2- Delete this Android Studio folder located at C:\Users\\<user_name>\AppData\Local\Google

3- Delete this Android Studio folder located at C:\Users\\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Google

4- Delete these folders ( .android , .AndroidStudio* , .gradle ) located at C:\Users\\<user_name>

After doing all this, I managed to have fresh updated Android Studio v4.1.2

First go to android studio folder on location that you installed it ( It's usually in this path by default ; C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio, unless you change it when you install Android Studio). Find and run uninstall.exe file.

Wait until uninstallation complete successfully, just few minutes, and after click the close.

To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in File Explorer, go to C:\Users\%username%, and delete .android, .AndroidStudio(#version-number) and also .gradle, AndroidStudioProjects if they exist. If you want remain your projects, you'd like to keep AndroidStudioProjects folder.

Then, go to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming and delete the JetBrains directory.

Note that AppData folder is hidden by default, to make visible it go to view tab and check hidden items in windows8 and10 ( in windows7 Select Folder Options, then select the View tab. Under Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then select OK.

Done, you can remove Android Studio successfully, if you plan to delete SDK tools too, it is enough to remove SDK folder completely.

Firstly, uninstall Android Studio from the control panel using program and features. Later you also need to enable displaying of hidden files and folders and delete the following:


If you do not have an uninstaller, follow the below steps:

  • Download and install an old version of Android Studio (eg: android-studio-ide-191.5977832-windows.exe aka Android Studio 3.5.2) from the download archives .

  • Copy (do not cut) and Paste the uninstall.exe from the installed Android Studio folder in your original Android Studio folder. Now, run the uninstall.exe which you just pasted, this will start the uninstall process for your original Android Studio.

  • After the original Android Studio is uninstalled, proceed to run the uninstaller in the old version of Android Studio that you downloaded.

  • After the old Android Studio is uninstalled, follow this to completely remove any leftover Android Studio related files, folders etc.

Now your system has no Android Studio.

在我的情况下 - Windows 10 Home,为了删除以前的设置,我还必须从C:\Users\<Your User>\AppData\Roaming\Google中删除AndroidStudioX

作为对第一个和第二个投票答案的补充,还请查看C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\中是否保留了诸如Android Studio文件夹之类的内容,以避免在将来的安装中出现错误引用。


check this folder in


its have an issue and fix it then restart android studio.


latest Android Studio in 2022, March has an uninstall.exe in the root directory. For me uninstalling from "Windows Remove Programms View" didn't work, failing with error popup. But going to the installation directory and just executing uninstall.exe just works perfectly.

I tried multiple times to get a clean install without success.

I found if I still had the AndroidStudioProjects folder then Android would naturally go to my last project I was working on and start to build that project.

I made a copy of that folder and saved my code to the desktop. Then I deleted the AndroidStudioProjects folder and I had the option of a completely fresh install.

This was done after following this to the letter: https://stackoverflow.com/a/39953746/8860848

在控制面板中卸载您的 android studio 并删除文件管理器中有关 android studio 的所有数据。

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