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How to completely remove old version of Android studio from windows 10

I am trying to setup Flutter in my windows system. When I run the flutter doctor , I get this error.


I can clearly see there are multiple versions of Android Studio So I tried these posts to remove the Android studio from my machine. Link1 Link2

It still shows the same error. How do I remove Android Studio completely from my machine?

It happened to me also, but I am using Mac OSX. The solution is simple, you have to add to the Flutter config a pointing path to the new Android Studio installations. Check where it are, put the correct path. Like this:

flutter config --android-studio-dir "/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents"

If you are using Windows system:

flutter config --android-studio-dir "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio"

I think that you need to install dart and flutter plugins, As flutter documentation https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/editor .

Install the Flutter and Dart plugins To install these:

Start Android Studio. Open plugin preferences (Preferences > Plugins on macOS, File > Settings > Plugins on Windows & Linux). Select Browse repositories, select the Flutter plugin and click Install. Click Yes when prompted to install the Dart plugin. Click Restart when prompted.

I ended up resetting up my OS, apparently, my windows username had space in it, so it was throwing an error. Once I reset my system, I just followed the steps from flutter documentation. Everything worked smoothly after that.

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