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Nhibernate Delete 3

Tried to delete using nhibernate, but got caught on a error like

" 'tItemVantagem' is not mapped"

but it is. Any suggestions?

_session.Delete(string.Format("DELETE FROM tItemVantagem WHERE IdContraCheque in(select IdContraCheque from tContraCheque  where IdCompetencia ={0})", competencia));
_session.Delete(string.Format("DELETE FROM tItemDesconto WHERE IdContraCheque in(select IdContraCheque from tContraCheque  where IdCompetencia ={0})", competencia));
_session.Delete(string.Format("DELETE FROM tContraCheque WHERE IdCompetencia ={0}", competencia));

Here is the mapping :

public ItemVantagemMAP()
        Id(x => x.Identificador, c => { c.Generator(Generators.Identity); c.Column("IdItemVantagem"); });
        ManyToOne(x => x.TipoVantagem, y => { y.Cascade(Cascade.None); y.Update(false); y.Insert(false); y.Fetch(FetchKind.Join); y.Lazy(LazyRelation.NoLazy); y.Column("IdTpItemVantagem"); });
        Property(x => x.HorasPercentual, y => { y.Column("QtHorasPercentual"); });
        Property(x => x.Valor, y => { y.Column("VlItemVantagem"); });

The Delete() method takes an HQL string which operates in terms of your mapped classes, not your table names.

From your mapping, tItemVantagem is the name of the table. I sincerely doubt that is the name or your mapped class (which you have oddly left out of the mapping you posted).

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