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SSRS Data does not display when run remotely

I have a Report Server in which I can run the report on the remote server and display correctly. (I apologize for the color scheme. I am troubleshooting) 在此处输入图片说明

When I try to run the same report from my local machine by connecting to the remote server. The report runs but no data is displayed. No errors are reported. I have the Report Server switch set to display errors. 在此处输入图片说明

This report has 2 pages and you can use the arrows without error. So I think the query is running and returning data. But there is something wrong with the display that the data is not showing.

On the remote server I use IE. On my local machine I use Chrome. I have all of the permissions checked for folder, site and report.

Any suggestions?

UPDATE I was able to get the report to display in Chrome by adding the extension "SSRS Report Fix" to Google Chrome.


However, the report will still not display in my angular application when trying to view it. There are no errors. The data will not display.

This what worked for me... To view the report using Google Chrome I added the extension, SSRS Reports Fix . The link is in my updated post.

This did NOT fix the problem when I tried to display the report in an AngularJS application.

To fix this problem, I had to add this:

div {
    overflow: visible !important;

to the css file, ReportingServices.css on my Report Server. This file was located here on my server:

C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\\Reporting Services\\ReportManager\\Styles

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