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How to protect ZeroMQ Request Reply pattern against potential drops of messages?

I'm trying to implement a ZeroMQ pattern on the TCP layer between a c# application and distributed python servers. I've gotten a version working with the request-reply REQ/REP pattern and it seems relatively stable when testing on localhost . However, in testing, I've debugged a few situations, where I accidently send multiple requests before receiving a reply which apparently is not acceptable.

In practice the network will likely have lots of dropped packets and I suspect that I'll be dropping lots of replies and/or unable to send requests.

1) Is there a way to reset the connection between REQ/REP request-reply sockets?
Would a REOUTER/DEALER pattern instead make more sense? As this is my first application with ZeroMQ, I was hoping to keep it simple.

2) Is there a good ZeroMQ mechanism for handling the connectivity events? I've been reading "the guide" and there are a few mentions of monitoring connections, but no examples. I found the ZMonitor , but can't get the events to trigger in c#.

Ad 1) No ,
there is not any socket link-management interface exposed to user to test/reset the state of the FSA-to-FSA link in ZeroMQ framework.

Yes, XREQ/XREP may help you overcome the deadlocks, that may & do happen in REQ/REP Scaleable Formal Communication Pattern:

Ref.: REQ/REP Deadlocks >>> https://stackoverflow.com/a/38163015/3666197

Fig.1: Why it is wrong to use a naive REQ/REP
all cases when [1] in_WaitToRecvSTATE_W2R + [2] in_WaitToRecvSTATE_W2R
are principally unsalvageable mutual deadlock of REQ-FSA/REP-FSA Finite-State-Automata and will never reach the "next" in_WaitToSendSTATE_W2S internal state.

                                         :   || NETWORK_LoM
                                         :   || SIG_KILL( App2 )
                                         :   || ...
                                         :      }
[App1]      ![ZeroMQ]                    :    [ZeroMQ]              ![App2] 
code-control! code-control               :    [code-control         ! code-control
+===========!=======================+    :    +=====================!===========+
|           ! ZMQ                   |    :    |              ZMQ    !           |
|           ! REQ-FSA               |    :    |              REP-FSA!           |
|           !+------+BUF> .connect()|    v    |.bind()  +BUF>------+!           |
|           !|W2S   |___|>tcp:>---------[*]-----(tcp:)--|___|W2R   |!           |
|     .send()>-o--->|___|           |         |         |___|-o---->.recv()     |
| ___/      !| ^  | |___|           |         |         |___| ^  | |!      \___ |
| REQ       !| |  v |___|           |         |         |___| |  v |!       REP |
| \___.recv()<----o-|___|           |         |         |___|<---o-<.send()___/ |
|           !|   W2R|___|           |         |         |___|   W2S|!           |
|           !+------<BUF+           |         |         <BUF+------+!           |
|           !                       |         |                     !           |
|           ! ZMQ                   |         |   ZMQ               !           |
|           ! REQ-FSA               |         |   REP-FSA           !           |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEADLOCKED in W2R ~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~ DEADLOCKED in W2R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|           ! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|         |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/!           |
|           ! \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|         |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\!           |
+===========!=======================+         +=====================!===========+

Fig.2: One may implement a free-stepping transmission layer using several pure ZeroMQ builtins and add some SIG-layer tools for getting a full control of all possible distributed system states.

App1.PULL.recv( ZMQ.NOBLOCK ) and App1.PULL.poll( 0 ) are obvious

[App1]      ![ZeroMQ]
code-control! code-control           
|           !                       |
|           !+----------+           |         
|     .poll()|   W2R ___|.bind()    |         
| ____.recv()<----o-|___|-(tcp:)--------O     
| PULL      !|      |___|           |   :   
|           !|      |___|           |   :   
|           !|      |___|           |   :   
|           !+------<BUF+           |   :     
|           !                       |   :                           ![App2]
|           !                       |   :     [ZeroMQ]              ! code-control
|           !                       |   :     [code-control         ! once gets started ...
|           !                       |   :     +=====================!===========+
|           !                       |   :     |                     !           |
|           !                       |   :     |         +----------+!           |
|           !                       |   :     |         |___       |!           |
|           !                       |   :     |         |___| <--o-<.send()____ |
|           !                       |   :<<-------<tcp:<|___|   W2S|!      PUSH |
|           !                       |   :    .connect() <BUF+------+!           |
|           !                       |   :     |                     !           |
|           !                       |   :     |                     !           |
+===========!=======================+   :     +=====================!===========+

Ad 2) No ,
but one may create one's own "ZeroMQ-consumables" to test the distributed system's ability to setup a new transport/signalling socket, being ready to dispose it, if the RTO-test fails to prove that both ( multiple ) sides are ready to setup + communicate over the ZeroMQ infrastructure ( notice, that the problems are not only with the ZeroMQ layer, but also the App-side need not be ready/in such a state to handle the expected communication interactions ( and may cause soft-locks / dead-locks ).

The best next step?

What I can do for your further questions right now is to direct you to see a bigger picture on this subject >>> with more arguments , a simple signalling-plane / messaging-plane illustration and a direct link to a must-read book from Pieter HINTJENS.

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