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Android , Deserialize JSON Array that have different types using Jackson

I have an Android application that uses Jackson to deserialize the data and I face troubles in creating the pojo for this json string:

    "response": [{
        "view": "ticker",
        "items": []
    }, {
        "view": "note",
        "note": "This is a note"
    }, {
        "wn": "bla",
        "sd": "bla bla",
        "tf": 28,
        "rh": 22,
        "ws": 9,
        "ti": "14:00",
        "view": "hbhi"

I create the following pojos:


public class TickerModel implements Serializable {

private String view ;

private String items;

public String getView() {
    return view;

public void setView(String view) {
    this.view = view;

public String getItems() {
    return items;

public void setItems(String items) {
    this.items = items;



public class NoteModel implements Serializable {

private String view ;

private String note;

public String getView() {
    return view;

public void setView(String view) {
    this.view = view;

public String getNote() {
    return note;

public void setNote(String note) {
    this.note = note;


any ideas on how to to do deserialize this JSON using Jackson?

first validate json using this .

And create pojo classes using this or this

No need to create two separate pojo's, you can have pojo like below -

public class Response {

private String view;
private List<Object> items = new ArrayList<Object>();
private String note;
private String wn;
private String sd;
private Integer tf;
private Integer rh;
private Integer ws;
private String ti;
//setters //getters 

Note: Since items is an array in your json, you should map it with array-list of type objects. Also you can get pojo's craeted online if you have json data - http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/

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