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Error: No Module Named NLTK Python2.7 Linux

I'm on a Linux Red Hat server and I'm trying to launch a python script. I installed nltk, but when I start my script I get the following error:

ImportError: No module named nltk

Here are my other python installations:

[~/Documents] >which python python2 python3

However, nltk is installed on:


I don't want to change my path variable because I'm not the only one using this server, is there anything else I can do to overcome this problem? Where should I install nltk?



I added NLTK with sudo pip install nltk

[~/Documents] >which pip pip2 pip3
pip3: Command not found.

My path:

[~/Documents] >echo $PATH         


$PYTHONPATH does not exist, I can't install it using only pip

For the permission I think only root can read/write the nltk files:

ls -l 
drwxr-x---. 23 root root   4096 Nov 23 12:24 nltk
drwxr-x---.  2 root root   4096 Nov 23 12:24 nltk-3.2.1-py2.7.egg-info

You can add to the begin of you python script

import sys; sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages')

Edit 1:

this must solve if above does not works:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages')

Edit 2:

change the path in linux for only when script runs

from subprocess import call
call('export PYTHONPATH='/usr/lib/python2.7/':$PYTHONPATH,shell=True)

or you can call the module direct


any python modules or packages in the directory will now be importable.


Well after some research maybe there is another way

first of all you need to append the directory to yout path with

import sys; sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages')

you will need importlib

from  importlib import import_module

Then you may import your module like this:

mod = import_module('nltk')

to get submodules you may do this:

module_you_want = getattr(mod,'module_you_want')

thats it!

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