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ruby convert multidimensional array into one array

I've merged 2 lists.

list1 = customer.links.where(ext: true).group(:link_id, :external).limit(100).order('count_id desc').count('id') 
list2 = customer.links.where(ext: false).where.not(url: '/specific_link').group(:url, :ext).limit(100).order('count_id desc').count('id')

list = list1.merge(list2).sort_by{|k, v| -v}

The result is:

[[["/path/element1", false], 7], [[4, true], 5], [["/path/element6", false], 1]]

I want to convert it into a on dimensional hash, like that:

[["/path/element1", false, 7], [4, true, 5], ["/path/element6", false, 1]]

When I use flatten , there is no separation between the arrays.


output_array=[[["/path/element1", false], 7], [[4, true], 5], [["/path/element6", false], 1]].map{|x| x.flatten}

You could do something like this:

arr = [[["/path/element1", false], 7], [[4, true], 5], [["/path/element6", false], 1]]
arr.map { |k,v| [*k,v] }
#=> [["/path/element1", false, 7], [4, true, 5], ["/path/element6", false, 1]]

You can use the Ruby flatten method .

[[["/path/element1", false], 7], [[4, true], 5], [["/path/element6", false], 1]].flatten(1)

result => [["/path/element1", false], 7, [4, true], 5, ["/path/element6", false], 1]

Also posted here in this question/answer .

Update below to at least make this correct (like the other answers). To flatten a level deeper, you can use .map to flatten the lower arrays.

[[["/path/element1", false], 7], [[4, true], 5], [["/path/element6", false], 1]].map {|x| x.flatten }

result => [["/path/element1", false, 7], [4, true, 5], ["/path/element6", false, 1]]

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