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Is there a Fortran equivalent of Python's for-else statement?

Is there a Fortran equivalent of Python's for-else statement?

For example, the following sorts a list of numbers into different ranges. In Python, it is:

absth = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
vals = [.1, .2, .5, 1.2, 3.5, 3.7, 16.8, 19.8, 135.60]

counts = [0] * len(absth)
for v in vals:
    for i, a in enumerate(absth):
        if v < a:
            counts[i] += 1
        counts[-1] += 1

In Fortran, this works the same:

do iv = 1, nvals

  is_in_last_absth = .true.

  do ia = 1, nabsth - 1
    if vals(iv) < absth(ia) then
      counts(ia) = counts(ia) + 1
      is_in_last_absth = .false.
    end if
  end do

  if (is_in_last_absth) then
    counts(nabsth) = counts(nabsth) + 1
  end if

end do

But is there a way to not have to use is_in_last_absth and replace it with something like the else in Python?

If the question is specifically about binning a series of numbers, with absth being the upper limits on each bin (bar the last which has no upper limit), then I'd probably write something like this:



  INTEGER :: ix   
  INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: absth = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]   
  REAL, DIMENSION(9) :: vals = [.1, .2, .5, 1.2, 3.5, 3.7, 16.8, 19.8, 135.60]   
  INTEGER, DIMENSION(SIZE(absth)+1) :: bins

  bins = 0

  DO ix = 1, SIZE(bins)-1
     bins(ix) = COUNT(vals<absth(ix))   
  END DO   
  bins(ix) = COUNT(vals)

  bins = bins-EOSHIFT(bins,-1)
  WRITE(*,*) 'bins = ', bins
  ! which writes  3  1  0  2  0  3


then, when I was happy that the logic was correct I'd turn it into a function and add in some error checking.

If the question is more general, and asks what is the idiomatic Fortran (post 90) way to reproduce Python's for-else structure, there are answers here to that too.

There is no direct equivalent to that python construct.

Note though, that early termination of a do loop with a counted loop control can be detected by examining the value of the do variable after the loop.

do iv = 1, nvals
  do ia = 1, nabsth - 1
    if (vals(iv) < absth(ia)) then
      counts(ia) = counts(ia) + 1
    end if
  end do

  ! If the loop terminates because it completes the iteration 
  ! count (and not because the exit statement is executed) then 
  ! the do variable is one step beyond the value it had 
  ! during the last iteration.
  if (ia == nabsth) then
    counts(nabsth) = counts(nabsth) + 1
  end if
end do

An exit statement can also jump out of more than just do loops:

do iv = 1, nvals
  outer_block: block
    do ia = 1, nabsth - 1
      if (vals(iv) < absth(ia)) then
        counts(ia) = counts(ia) + 1
        exit outer_block
      end if
    end do

    counts(nabsth) = counts(nabsth) + 1
  end block outer_block
end do

and a cycle statement can cycle any do construct that the statement is nested within:

outer_loop: do iv = 1, nvals
  do ia = 1, nabsth - 1
    if (vals(iv) < absth(ia)) then
      counts(ia) = counts(ia) + 1
      cycle outer_loop
    end if
  end do

  counts(nabsth) = counts(nabsth) + 1
end do outer_loop

GO TO statements allow arbitrary jumps. In particular, you write your for loop followed by the else block, followed by a labeled continue. Within the loop, if the condition is true then jump to the labeled continue. Otherwise the for loop will terminate normally, the else block will be executed and then the continue, exactly matching the semantics of python's for...else construct.

For example:

        INTEGER nabsth, nvals
        PARAMETER (nabsth=5, nvals=9)
        INTEGER absth(nabsth), counts(nabsth)
        REAL vals(nvals)
        DATA absth/1, 2, 3, 4, 5/
        DATA counts/0, 0, 0, 0, 0/
        DATA vals/.1, .2, .5, 1.2, 3.5, 3.7, 16.8, 19.8, 135.60/

        do iv = 1, nvals

          do ia = 1, nabsth - 1
            if (vals(iv) < absth(ia)) then
              counts(ia) = counts(ia) + 1
              goto 10
            end if
          end do
          counts(nabsth) = counts(nabsth) + 1
10        continue
        end do
        WRITE (*,*), counts


       3           1           0           2           3

Since the else part of Python's for-else block is executed only when all the elements are processed, how about simply using the if statement for the last element? For example,

program main
    implicit none
    integer i, n
    print *, "n = ?" ; read(*,*) n

    do i = 1, 10
        if ( i <= n ) then
            print *, i
        if ( i == 10 ) print *, "reached the final index"

    print *, "done"
end program

which probably corresponds to

n = int( input( "n = ? \n" ) )

for i in range( 1, 11 ):
    if i <= n:
        print( i )
    print( "reached the final index" )

print( "done" )

Another way might be to use a labeled block construct, for example:

program main
    implicit none
    integer i, n
    print *, "n = ?" ; read(*,*) n

    loop_i : block

      do i = 1, 10
          if ( i <= n ) then
              print *, i
              exit loop_i
      print *, "reached the final index"

    endblock loop_i

    print *, "done"
end program

According to Chap.20.1.7: "Exit from nearly any construct" in Modern Fortran Explained (by Metcalf et al) and also the F2008 Standards Chap.8.1.10 (obtained from here ), it is OK to exit from any labeled construct like block , if , associate etc, but we may need a relatively new compiler (gfortran-6 worked for me). The IBM man page for exit is also useful.

To the best of my knowledge, Python is the only (or one of the very few) languages that has a for-else statement. No, Fortran does not have it.

Sometimes GOTO is good. A WHERE ELSEWHERE may be useful...

do iv = 1, nvals

  is_in_last_absth = .true.
  Mask = .FALSE.
  Mask(1:(nabsth - 1)) = .TRUE.)
  Mask2 = .FALSE.
    WHERE( vals(iv) < absth)
      mask2 = .TRUE.

      Count = Count + 1
      LastCount = LastCount + 1

end do

count(2:(n-1)) = count(2:(n-1))+ lastcount(1:(n))

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