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Positioning widgets on frames with Tkinter

So, I'm fairly new to Python, and Tkinter. I'm in the process of creating a Battleship game. So far I've succesfully created a grid of buttons. I am now trying to create a sort of a menu to the right of this game pad. I'm trying to do this by having two different Frames in my window - one where my game pad is and one where I have the menu (which is below a Label). Whatever I put inside cheat_button.grid() I can't seem to change the position of this button. It just stays in the top-left corner of the menu_frame Frame. I also want to add anothern button beneath this one, as well as a message box a bit further down, on the same frame. Any suggestions? I have linked the part of the code I find relevant.


col_tot = 10
row_tot = 10

self.grid_frame = tk.Frame(self)
self.grid_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=row_tot, columnspan=col_tot, sticky = "WENS")

self.menu_frame = tk.Frame(self, bg="grey", bd=1, relief="ridge")
self.menu_frame.grid(row=1, column=col_tot, rowspan=row_tot-1, columnspan=4, sticky = "WENS")

button_no = 0

self.button_list = []   
for x in range(row_tot):            
  self.button_list.append([""] * col_tot)

for i in range(row_tot):

  for j in range(col_tot):

    self.button_list[i][j] = (tk.Button(self.grid_frame, height = 3, width = 6, text = str(button_no + 1),
      activebackground = "yellow", relief = "groove"))
    self.button_list[i][j]["command"] = lambda i=i, j=j:self.update_colour(i, j)
    self.button_list[i][j].grid(row = i, column = j, sticky = "NW")

    button_no += 1

self.welcome = tk.Label(self, text = "Welcome to Battleship!",
  fg = "red", bg = "grey", font = ("Helvetica", 12), relief="ridge")
self.welcome.grid(row = 0, column = col_tot, columnspan = 4, sticky = "WENS")

self.cheat_button = tk.Button(self.menu_frame, text = "Cheat")
self.cheat_button.config(bg = "grey")

Rows and columns have a size of zero if they are empty and haven't configured to have a minimum size. It's also important to know that each frame has it's own "grid", so even though the frame on the left has 10 rows and ten columns, the frame on the right starts out completely empty.

If you want the button centered in the frame, one solution is to leave an empty row above and below it, and configure those rows to be given any extra space. For example:

self.welcome.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "WENS")
# notice we've put nothing in rows 1 or 3
self.cheat_button.grid(row=2, column=0)

self.menu_frame.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.menu_frame.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1)

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