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Using Variables for Inserting Values into a SQL DB Table in Java

I'm working on a Lab from the Gaddis Java textbook, and I'm attempting to insert an entry into a T-SQL database table of sports teams using a variable to represent the team name.


    // Prompt the user for a new team name
    System.out.println("Enter new team name: ");
    teamName = keyboard.nextLine();

    // Update the Teams table
    String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Teams" +
                          "VALUES " + teamName + ", 0, 0, 0";
    int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement);

    System.out.print("Do you want to enter " +
                             "another team: ");
    ans = keyboard.nextLine().charAt(0);

} while(ans == 'Y'|| ans == 'y');

When entering the value Braves I get the error Incorrect syntax near 'Braves'.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance!


Thanks to feedback I've updated my SQL statement, as well as specifying the column names to ensure the order is correct.

// Update the Teams table
String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Teams" +
                      "(TeamName, Wins, Losses, Ties)" +
                      "VALUES (" + teamName + " , 0, 0, 0)";       
int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement);

However, now I get the error ERROR: Invalid column name 'Braves'. when entering in Braves when prompted. I don't understand why as I am specifying the variable teamName as the value.


Thanks to @MrLY I've solved the issue! Thanks to everyone else that helped as well!

The problem is in your query

String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Teams" +"VALUES " + teamName + ", 0, 0, 0";
int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement);

Your insert query should be like this:

INSERT INTO Teams VALUES(att1, att2, att3, ...);

so change your query to be like this:

 String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Teams " +"VALUES( " + teamName + ", 0, 0, 0)";

if you want to insert a specific attribute then you should to create your query like this:

String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Teams(att1, att2, att2, att2) " +"VALUES( " + teamName + ", 0, 0, 0)";


your String should be between two 'my string' , so your query should be like this now:

String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Teams" +
                      "(TeamName, Wins, Losses, Ties)" +
                      "VALUES ('" + teamName + "' , 0, 0, 0)";


I advice to use prepared statement it more useful and more safe than this way

you can learn more about PreparedStatement

You have to write with a good sql syntax. Try something like this :

 String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Teams " +
                      "VALUES (" + teamName + ", 0, 0, 0)";

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