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Python, Matrix, replacing bought ticket with "*'

I am trying to write a program for a class, that given a sold ticket, my matrix (15x30) should replace the available seat "#" by sold seat "*".

seats = []

for i in range (1,16):
    for i in range (1,31):

while True:
        x = int(input("SVP entrer le numéro de la rangée (1-15): "))
        for x in range (1,16):
            y = int(input("SVP entrer le numéro du siège (1-30): "))
            for y in range (1,31):
               b = ((x-1) * 30) + (y-1)
               s = "*"
               for b in len(seats):
                   seats[b] = seats[s]
        z = input("Voulez-vous acheter un autre sièges (o/n)? ")
        if z == "o":
            return True
            return False 
    except ValueError:
        print("Désoler, ce siège à déjà été acheter.")
print("Fin du programme")

However, I have an error:

File "/Users/staceypoulet/Desktop/temp1.py", line 15, in <module>
    if z in len(seats):
for b in len(seats):
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Could anyone help me see the mistake? Thank you in advance to anyone who gives me the time :)

You want to check if z in seats . len(seats) is an integer number and does not have membership.

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