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performing a select on a c# datatable

I have a datatable with a bunch of rows in it, the first column is an Int32 and I want to perform a simple select like:

select * from MyDataTable where column1 = 234

Try this to get result as row array:

DataRow[] rows = myDataTable.Select("column1 = 234");

Or this to get dataview:

DataView myDataView = myDataTable.DefaultView;
myDataView.RowFilter = "column1 = 234";
var result = from row in table.AsEnumerable()
             where row[0].Equals(42)
             select row;


var result = table.AsEnumerable().Where(row => row[0].Equals(42));

if you're talking of a System.Data.DataTable, you can use datatable.Rows.Find for searching a row by primaryKey, or datatable.Select for obtaining a array of rows that satisfy your condition.

// By DataTable's primary key


// By compound primary key

datatable.Rows.Find(234, 1, 4);

// by Select


// by Compound Select

datatable.Select("column1=234 AND column2=1");

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