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For “actionSheetAlert”, what's after (action) =>

I'm using Xamarin's ActionSheet Alert function and following the instruction from official website. The sample given by website is shown as

actionSheetAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Item One",UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (action) => Console.WriteLine ("Item One pressed.")));

After (action) => , it only shows how we can add one function here, which is (action) => Console.WriteLine ("Item One pressed.")

What if I want to add more actions? Can I just use (action) => {......} ? Or can I use (action) => function1() ? Could you please show me more examples that I can do after (action) => ?

That's sample code for UIActionSheet, it should can help you.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UIKit;

    namespace TestActionSheet
    public class SimpleSheet
        public delegate void SelectedHandler(string selectedValue);
        public event SelectedHandler Selected;
        private UIActionSheet actionSheet;

        public SimpleSheet(List<string> optionList)
            actionSheet = new UIActionSheet("SheetTitle");
            foreach (string str in optionList)

            actionSheet.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.ButtonIndex < actionSheet.ButtonCount - 1)
                    if (null != Selected)

        public void Show(UIView view)

And invoke those code like this:

SimpleSheet sSheet = new SimpleSheet(new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>() { "option1", "option2" });
                sSheet.Selected += (selectedValue) => {
                    Console.WriteLine("SelectedValue = "+selectedValue);

Hope it can help you.

In short answer, you can do it in both way and achieve the same outcome.

actionSheetAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Item One",UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (action) => {
 Console.WriteLine ("Item One pressed.");
 Console.WriteLine (Date.UtcNow);


function messageOutput(){
         Console.WriteLine ("Item One pressed.");
         Console.WriteLine (Date.UtcNow);

actionSheetAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("ItemOne",UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (action) => messageOutput);

In detail answer, you question is not very clear what you are going to achieve. If it is about optimizations of inline function, you can refer to this question . Especially, you have mentioned your are using Mono(Xamarin) which has some other consideration.

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