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Invalid ID Laravel Eloquent

I am facing very odd behavior of Laravel 5.2 Eloquent. When I try to insert a row in my table it returns an object which have incremented ID. Now the issue is, the ID it return is not the ID of that row.


My Code:


    //create a new product
    $product_p = new Product();
    $product_p->name = $request->name;
    $product_p->barcode = $request->barcode;
    $product_p->sale_price = $request->sale_price;
    echo $product_p->id; //this gives invalid ID    

When I try to access $product_p->id it returns 31 even though the product id in the database is 5.

I have developed sync controller which is responsible to make record of every query executed, ON further investigation I found the sync controller id is responsible for invalid ID.

My Route File

// SyncController
\Event::listen('Illuminate\Database\Events\QueryExecuted', function ($query)      {
   $sync = new \App\Http\Controllers\SyncController();
   $sync->addOperation($query->sql, $query->bindings);

My Sync Controller

        $sync = New Sync();
        $sync->action = $sql;
        $sync->data = json_encode($data);

My DB Structure for product

id Primary  int(10)     UNSIGNED    AUTO_INCREMENT
name        varchar(255)
barcode     int(11)
sale_price  int(11)

This is my Product Migration

        Schema::create('products', function(Blueprint $table) {

Try this at store method in Controller.

$input_data = $request->all();
$last_inserted_data = YourModelName::create($input_data);

Check the output from dd()

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