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export: Command not found raised by linux source command

after I installed Anaconda package on the server, I'm then trying source ~/.bashrc to set env variable, but it raise an error of export: Command not found , my .bashrc file is like this:

# added by Anaconda3 4.2.0 installer
export PATH="/projdata3/info_fil/wangtao/conda/bin:$PATH"

can anyone help? thanks very much!

Since you're using tcsh , not bash , you should edit your .cshrc and add the line:

set path = ( /projdata3/info_fil/wangtao/conda/bin $path )

Then use source .cshrc .

If your shell is .csh please use setenv to export a variable which in bash you would normally do with export

In bash , export My_VARIABLE=/some/location/or/.something/

In csh shell, it would be setenv My_VARIABLE /some/location/or/.something/

If echo $SHELL command is giving /usr/local/bin/tcsh then it means you are working in csh shell.

In csh shell, if you want to set environment variables, the syntax goes like this

setenv <variable_name> <variable_value>

Here is the useful csh commands link for reference

If you want to enter bash shell from csh shell, enter command bash

Then this command will work: export <variable_name>=<variable_value>

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