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How to extract a value from a string using javascript

I have an variable which contains this value

<AirportCode>LKO</AirportCode> <CityOrAirportName>LUCKNOW AMAUSI</CityOrAirportName> <Country>India</Country> <CountryAbbrviation>IN</CountryAbbrviation> <CountryCode>733</CountryCode> <GMTOffset>-5.5</GMTOffset> <RunwayLengthFeet>7835</RunwayLengthFeet>

How can I extract the country code from this, in this case 733. Country code can be different, so I need to somehow get the value which is inside the CountryCode tag

You can create a div programmatically. Populate its innerHTML and then get CountryCode element.

 var data = "<AirportCode>LKO</AirportCode> <CityOrAirportName>LUCKNOW AMAUSI</CityOrAirportName> <Country>India</Country> <CountryAbbrviation>IN</CountryAbbrviation> <CountryCode>733</CountryCode> <GMTOffset>-5.5</GMTOffset> <RunwayLengthFeet>7835</RunwayLengthFeet>"; var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = data; console.log(div.querySelector('CountryCode').textContent); 

Better parse XML using

 var data = "<AirportCode>LKO</AirportCode> <CityOrAirportName>LUCKNOW AMAUSI</CityOrAirportName> <Country>India</Country> <CountryAbbrviation>IN</CountryAbbrviation> <CountryCode>733</CountryCode> <GMTOffset>-5.5</GMTOffset> <RunwayLengthFeet>7835</RunwayLengthFeet>"; var oParser = new DOMParser(); var oDOM = oParser.parseFromString('<root>' + data + '</root>', "text/xml"); console.log(oDOM.querySelector('CountryCode').textContent) 

You can use XML parsing library, or just a simple RegExp if this is the only thing you want.

Just use the regex: /<CountryCode>(\\d+)<\\/CountryCode)/

For example:

var str = '<AirportCode>LKO</AirportCode> <CityOrAirportName>LUCKNOW AMAUSI</CityOrAirportName> <Country>India</Country> <CountryAbbrviation>IN</CountryAbbrviation> <CountryCode>733</CountryCode> <GMTOffset>-5.5</GMTOffset> <RunwayLengthFeet>7835</RunwayLengthFeet>';

function extractCountryCode(xmlStr) {
    var matches = xmlStr.match(/<CountryCode>(\d+)<\/CountryCode)/);
    if (matches.length == 2) {
        return matches[1];
    } else {
        return null;


You can use the functions indexOf and substring:

(Snippet added to show the result)

 var data = "<AirportCode>LKO</AirportCode> <CityOrAirportName>LUCKNOW AMAUSI</CityOrAirportName> <Country>India</Country> <CountryAbbrviation>IN</CountryAbbrviation> <CountryCode>733</CountryCode> <GMTOffset>-5.5</GMTOffset> <RunwayLengthFeet>7835</RunwayLengthFeet>"; var index1 = data.indexOf("<CountryCode>") + "<CountryCode>".length; var index2 = data.indexOf("</CountryCode>"); var code = data.substring(index1, index2); console.log(code); 

The addition of CountryCode.length is because the method indexOf will return the first occurrence of the text.

Hope this help.

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